I stopped for lunch at the Golden Pear Café in Bridgehampton and met this guy who radiated love, positive energy, just a splendid man. I couldn't help but put him in front of the camera because I really wanted to share this beautiful encounter with you guys.
It is so rare, in my experience of living in the Hamptons, to come across genuinely loving, kind, heart-centered humans. And when you come across one, I can't help but to look at it as an opportunity to reflect on myself and what I need to work on to become more loving, happier, more of service to others. Jabari inspired me to look at what I am doing to keep my temple (my body) healthy in a way that facilitates emotional resilience and caters to a higher level of emotional intelligence.
After all we are what we eat! I don't eat that much meat and before coming to New York I pretty much was a pescatarian because that is a very easy lifestyle to adopt when you live in Hawaii. But winters here have brought me to my knees wanting more meat and less salads! I think that partially I survived my first two winters because I allowed myself to give my body what it needed in order to stay sane, but also to survive the bitter cold. May I just say, I still hate winter - and I am not one to use the H word!!
Meeting Jabari was a sign from the Universe that I needed to revisit my diet so I could sustain the hectic life of working seven days a week as a Realtor, and keep up with my other business, and develop and build my blog. So I decided, step by step, to revert back to a more wholesome way of eating prioritizing eating vegan. But I am not one to adhere to any particular diet style anymore, so I will still eat meat as needed. I was a vegan for six years before and during my formative years of becoming a yoga instructor and energy healer, I also learned more about my own body and to listen to it more deeply. It has always been good at eating vegetarian for the most part but IF it craves red meat I listen to it - there is a reason it craves it, and I trust myself enough to give it just what it needs.
I just want to say thank you to Jabari for our chat at Golden Pear, it somehow brought me out of the winter slumber I had allowed myself to fall into and now I am happier because I feel healthier by the more conscious choices I make to feed and nurture my body.
That being said, I want to share with you about Sun Basket. It is a site that caters to all dietary types and delivers fresh ingredient to your doors for meals you selected, easy and quick to cook. They only select the best organic, and responsibly sourced meats and seafood. They are super flexible with your subscriptions and have wonderful customer service.
Here is what is helping me a ton with staying on task with my goal - I have subscribed to Sun Basket and that has made it so easy to eat wholesome but has taken stress out of life because I don't need to worry about meal planning.
So I invite you to try it out and sign up as well. I am an affiliate with Sun Basket and I would earn a commission if you use my link to sign up. But it is not why I encourage to do it; It's a nice bonus earning a commission as an affiliate but I wouldn't share about it if I didn't love it. It brings value to my life and so I hope it does for you too.
This is how it works - You pick your dietary type, you choose which meals of the day you'd like delivered to your door, you pick
Click the banner below to try it out:
I hope you enjoy Sun Basket if you choose to try it!
Let me know what you think and I would also love to hear what your thoughts are about Paleo diets because I have been researching it and have mixed feelings about it, but I care because members of my family are strictly following that craze now.
So please let me know what you think!
