Chloe Gifkins: my favorite singer, songwriter and world traveler. She is such a talented musician, and I have the honor of knowing her personally. I love being able to support a woman I love doing what she loves. She's so good at what she does and I know one day she'll travel the world as a famous singer who writes her own beautiful songs. Her voice is unique and reminds some, including myself, of Joan Baez. I love listening to her sing and being able to encourage her to grow her talent. She is still so young and has already accomplished so much! She definitely deserves recognition for her talent.
Here you can listen to an original song called Paradise by Moonlit Strays, Chloe's band. She's the lead singer!
Go give her a follow on Instagram! Follow her journey and listen to move snipets of her beautiful singing.
Chloe's instagram: @chloeboombooms, @moonlitstrays, @dont.tell.ma
You can't tell me you're not dancing to this song ;)
And Here’s a treat for you as it has not yet been released... East and West...
#noerosetravels #noebrown #hannahcordoba #chloegifkins #doyoutravel #travelandlifestyle #talent #singer #songwriter #moonlitstrays #originalsong #womenempowerment