Today is a special day for me and my friends in France. It is their Independence Day, also known as Bastille Day. I was born and raised in Tahiti, so I celebrate Bastille Day because I am a French citizen (and have a European passport which allows me many travel benefits I am grateful for.)

Tahiti is the main island of French Polynesia which encompasses 118 islands and atolls. We speak French and we have our own language, Tahitian. We are a French country since February 2004, and therefore our motto is the same: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
We sing La Marseillaise on this day but we also have our own territorial anthem called, "Ia Ora O Tahiti Nui." We do have a president of French Polynesia, Edouard Fritch, but that's all I'm mentioning about politics.
So yes, I celebrate today just as much as I proudly honor and celebrate the 4th of July!
So Happy Bastille Day to all French out there, and especially to all my Tahitian Family! Xoxo