Happy National New Jersey Day!!
While we thank New Jersey for a few delicious foods we can enjoy anywhere, the state produces a large number of dishes that traveling to is a must.
During the summer months, enjoy the fresh blueberries from New Jersey. At the turn of the 20th century, the intuitive Elizabeth White helped domesticate the wild blueberries found along the Eastern seaboard. Today, blueberry production in New Jersey is a global business.
A pork roll is to New Jersey as carrots are to Bugs Bunny. The cured, smoked pork product creates debate between residents of the state. The city of Trenton loves their pork rolls so much, in fact, that they hold an annual Pork Roll Festival. However, pork rolls do exist west of the Delaware River.
Now, for most of these other dishes, come visit or pay for postage. Folks from New Jersey have a different idea about what a sloppy Joe is. Tomato. To-mah-to. This one sounds delicious. Their version places slices of pastrami or corned beef (or both), coleslaw, Russian dressing, and Swiss cheese layered between three slices of rye bread. Also, New Jerseyan’s make their pizza pie on the flip side. That is to say – they like their sauce on top. Its called tomato pie with seasoned crushed tomatoes on top of the other ingredients. Crust on the bottom, of course.
Lastly, saltwater taffy, sandy beaches, and long boardwalks of Atlantic City all go together. Both saltwater taffy and America’s boardwalks got their start there.

New Jersey also offers places to go, whether with your significant other or with your family. Here are some I would love to visit.
This hotel has hosted famous athletes, musicians, and presidents! It offers a lavish indoor experience as well as lots to do outside. Aside from many sports areas there are outside, there are also two 18-hole golf courses on this hotel property! There is definitely something for everyone.
Take your significant other here and request a room with a fireplace or hot tub and enjoy your time together. This hotel also has an extensive winery and a farm-to-table dining menu.
This hotel is a no-brainer for those who want to bring their dogs on vacation too! It has views and access to the Atlantic ocean, is pet friendly, and serves cocktails right next to the pool. Sounds heavenly!
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